From the Pastor's Pen

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September 2021

Posted by Ty Childers on

I’m so excited about being able to share with you through this newsletter once again. We have not done one in a year and a half and it is such a blessing to be able to share after all we have going on here at the church.

I pray you are encouraged about Sunday School (Walking in the Word @ 10:10) starting on September 5th. I believe you will enjoy our wonderful committed teachers who love Jesus and desire to disciple you in God’s Word. Another point of concerning Sunday School is that we get to know each other better and have good fellowship.

September also starts our new church year and we have officers and teachers who have been serving for a long time, which is a blessing, and we also have new officers and teachers that are ready and excited about serving.

The Ladies Bible Study on Elijah, taught by Elaine Hall and Amber James is going great and we are excited and blessed that so many are involved in this study on Sun-day evening at 6:00 pm.

One more item I want to mention to you is our big Evan-gelism Conference that is to be held here at Fairview Baptist Church September 16th, beginning at 10:00 AM. It will be an all day conference with a break for lunch and supper. Our church will provide the music all day. Our choir will be singing in the evening service. Please come out and support this evangelism conference. It will be a blessing to have preachers such as Rick Coram, Dr. Stephen Rummage, Dr. David Gallamore, Evangelist Tom Tucker. I will be preaching in the morning service and I ask you to pray as we have the privilege of hosting this great conference.

September is busy and that is a blessing because when we are busy for Jesus, we are doing something right in honoring a glorifying His name.
Pastor Ty


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