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March 2017

Posted by Ty Childers on

I want to start by saying what a wonderful February we had here at Fairview. I also want to praise the Lord for those who were saved and joined the church. What a Blessing!!!  Well, here we are in the month of March ready for March Gladness. It’s going to be a great month. I believe Sunday School attendance is going to move from the 170’s to over 200 each Sunday if we work hard to get people here! March Gladness can only be as successful as we are willing to make it. So let’s work hard to get people here. We must remember the people whose souls our Lord and Savior died for, just as He died for us. Let’s invite them to come so they can hear the gospel and prayerfully trust Jesus and their Lord and Savior!

We are very blessed to have people visiting Fairview each week so let’s do our best to introduce ourselves to them and continue to hear the visitors say that the members of Fairview are some of the friendliest people they have ever met.  Don’t forget about Family Night the third Friday night of March. It’s going to be great. It is another opportunity to invite people to come and get to know us. Mathew 5:13-16 tells is to be Salt and Light to our surroundings so that others will see Jesus in us. Chuck Swindoll says, “Keep your light on and your salt shaker tipped!”


Preacher Ty


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