June 2017
Let me start out by saying I count it a great privilege to be your pastor. I cannot say enough about the willingness of our people to work and serve their church. We are able to do so much here at Fairview because we have servant hearts that are willing to give of their time and talents to help this wonderful church go forward. May 28th-June 2nd we had Vacation Bible School. It was absolutely a joy to see all the children come each night and learn, play, eat, and worship as they took part. Everybody worked so hard to make it successful and it was again this year. Thank you, Stephanie Duncan & Stephanie Biggerstaff for leading and directing again this year. Taylor Duncan, Wayne Hopkins, and David Humphries, thank you for allowing the Lord to use your talents for His glory. And, to everyone who worked in each department, thank you so much. Praise His Name!!
June 25th is Homecoming Sunday here at Fairview Baptist Church. We, as a church family, will celebrate 99 years of ministry. I hope and pray you are planning to be here. I know you will do your best to be ready to hear some great singing and preaching. The Carolina Boys will be singing and Dr. Rudy Gray will be preaching God’s word to us. It’s going to be a great day! See you Sunday!
Preacher Ty