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April 2018

Posted by Ty Childers on

What a wonderful time of the year. It’s a very spe-cial time in which we celebrate what Jesus has al-ready done for us. I’m so thankful that I can say that it’s Easter everyday in my life. I pray if you don’t know what Easter is about, I pray that you’ll recognize that Jesus died on the cross and gave His life for me and you AND that He arose from the grave on the third day so that we can have life and have life more abundantly.
I pray that you will be able to come to church and celebrate Easter with us at 7:00 AM for our Sun-rise Service. Then join us for Sunday School at 9:30 AM and Worship at 10:30 AM. It is going to be a great day as we praise the Lord Jesus and magnify His holy name. He Is Alive!!!
Don’t forget our Old-Timey Day weekend on April 7th & 8th. The Children of the Promise will be in concert on Saturday, April 7th at 7:00 PM. Then, on Sunday, April 8th, Dr. Dwight Easler will be preaching for us and The Children of the Promise will sing for us again. I know a lot of people will be gone as it is Spring Break, but I know that a lot of you are anticipating and looking forward to the great weekend we’re going to have a great time as we celebrate together.
We also are looking forward to having Rev. James Price preach for us during the evening service on April 29th.
Preacher Ty


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